Over 60k
BR = $60100+
This is my 101k challenge blog. The challenge is to deposit $1,000.00 onto a poker site, and play No Limit Holdem within the provided rules until I have made $100,000.00 profit. I will be updating my progress daily.
Today: +$5151
My BR is over $51,000. Which means that I am halfway to my goal of $101k! I've been playing 4-5 tables of 5/10, and when the games don't look good, I'll run 12 tables of 2/4 and play a long session.
Have had a few sessions at 5/10, and am a winner finally. My first 2 sessions I took some nasty beats, but I have managed to turn a profit finally after a few days.
OK, so I havent updated for a LONG time. I'll get to it. Along with a good old fashioned reflection on the last few weeks. Basically I went on a downswing. I figured i'd let updating slide a couple of days and I'd update after I had a solid winning session, but it turned into a couple of weeks. My bad.