
Monday, November 13, 2006

Day 21

Today: +$1113
To date: +$5177
To go: $94823
Bankroll: $6177

2844 hands *** 6.6 hours *** 19.6 PTbb/100 *** 20.5/15.1 *** MT: 5.2

Got over $1,000 today! I was up $440 after my 1st session, and took a break. I came back later on in the night and quickly ran my profits up to $940. Then the rollercoaster hit. I swung up and down like you wouldn't believe, and this one guy kept bad beating me ridiculously. Always getting the $$ in behind and alway sucking out. I probably dumped 3-4 buyins to him. Well he played horrible and I stayed long enough to get most of it back, although I am sure I still left that table down. He was just one of those players. He had around $650 at one point on the table, and left the game a 3 buyin loser after he busted a couple times.

I played way too long, but I wanted to see if I could make $1k in one day at $100NL. Looks like I'll get to start $200NL tomorrow. :)


At 10:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

way to go nice cash,how long have you been playing poker if u don,t mind me asking,great blog jus

At 1:39 PM, Blogger HyperAggrDonk said...

Thanks. I've been playing for 2 and half years, and I'm always trying to get better. I'm a member of www.cardrunners.com. If you want to get better then that is the place to go.


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