
Thursday, January 18, 2007

Day 87 - up $30k

Today: +$323
To date: +$30293
To go: $69707
Bankroll: $31293

1482 hands *** 2.6 hours *** 2.7 PTbb/100 *** 18.6/14.9 *** MT: 6.9

EVERYONE was reraising. Amazing. Preflop and on the flop. Only thing I could do was tighten up. Had to make a lot of big folds, and I didn't like it. I'm sure I got bluffed a few times. The times I looked people up I was crushed. Called 2 people's "bluffs" and they had boats. I need TC to teach me how/when to call. Tons of coolers too - ran KK into AA twice. Lost to a couple sets. Not sure how I managed the profit.


At 10:31 AM, Blogger thaREALdmoney said...

What site are u playing on again?

At 12:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the kind words on my blog. I love following along with yours.


At 1:05 PM, Blogger HyperAggrDonk said...

This challenge is solely on FTP. I also play UB under the same name.

At 3:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

When you find out what TC has to say about when to call, please post on CR?

At 3:27 PM, Blogger henry said...


this guy has evaluated a load of hands against u, not sure if its worth the read for u, but might be interesting neways. gl


At 12:45 AM, Blogger HyperAggrDonk said...

I remember playing him. He certainly got the better of me that day, no doubt.

At 4:16 AM, Blogger mike said...

i didn't mean to disrespect you hyper, i hope you didn't get offended - i thought only my close friends read my blog.


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