
Wednesday, December 20, 2006


BR = $21,174.70. That means that I am up over $20k in 57 days. Pretty sweet. The last 2 days I've been on a really nice rush. I'm up $3150 in 2.5 hours play over 1147 hands running at 34 PTbb/100. I know I should be playing more, but I just can't help but call it a day when I win over $1500.

I've been lazy the past week. I just finished updating everything from Day 51 on up today. I'm back on the wagon for now, but I expect to be intermittently AWOL due to the upcoming holidays.


At 6:27 AM, Blogger Stuart Rue said...

Sweet run. Before you know it you're going to be at 3/6NL. I know you're moving away from super-strict bankroll management - so will that affect your transition to 3/6? Maybe stick around a little longer at 2/4 since you're doing so well (or until you feel you've mastered the level). Or maybe ease into 3/6 like you did with 2/4, playing a few 3/6 tables with the rest 2/4.

Anyway, I missed the daily updates, but I knew you were hanging with the parents.

Keep up the good work.

At 9:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love your blog. I keep coming back to see how your doing. Where do you get the MT #? I'm assuming this is a Multitable average. Is this a PT #? If so, where do I find it?

Thanks- Keep up the good work and the blog!!!

At 1:58 PM, Blogger HyperAggrDonk said...

Stuart- Yeah, I plan on easing into 3/6. I'm going to start looking at playing a 3/6 table here and there, so long as the table selection is good. I've been using Sixth Sense (www.sixthsensepoker.com) for table selection, and is has been working pretty well.

As for officially moving up, there aren't a lot of 3/6 tables running anyways. It would be pretty hard for me to 6-8 table 3/6. So what I'm gonna do is just play both 2/4 and 3/6 regularly until i get like 35-40k and then I can mix in 5/10 with 3/6, then again do the same thing to ease up levels.

Anonymous- Yes, the Multi-Table Ratio is in Pokertracker. Load up PT, open up ring stats. The 2nd tab is "Session Notes." There is a box you need to check in the upper right area of this window. "Show True Hourly Win Rate (...)" Select this, and an extra line of stats will appear in this section of the window. MT Ratio is listed there.


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