
Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Day 1

Today: +$215
To date: +$215
To go: $99785
Bankroll: $1215

Had a good start. I made $175.00 over 2005 hands (+$40 in bonuses). I played 3.97 hours (broken into two 2-hour sessions) and ran for 8.7 PTbb/100. I took some nasty beats, and I really didnt run all that great. Just a lot of people paying me off when they shouldn't. $50NL is very beatable, even while 6 tabling and just relying on PAHUD numbers. I wasnt as aggressive as I wanted to be, but that was mostly due to the fact that I wasnt given too much credit, and that I was 6 tabling and had to pick my spots. I was 18/13.5, when I like to play more of a 22/18 type game.

So day 1 comes to an end. Four hours of 6 tabling 6-handed poker can get pretty exhausting. But as long as I am playing good poker, then I will get my 2000 hands in each day and hopefully turn a nice profit along the way.


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